First, let's start with the topo map. The horizontal line is the property line between the public and private land. The blue lines are creeks that have 15-25 foot banks that are straight up with no crossing points that we've seen. Spend some time looking at the topo prior to moving to the aerial so as not to taint your viewpoint on the area with anything other than the topo data.
These are the aerial photos. Now we have several spots that we like, but again, we don't want to taint your view. I want y'all's first opinions.The first is a zoomed out view with the 2nd through 4th going from left to right of the zoomed out view.
We will post a follow up blog with the locations that we had picked prior to our reader's input as well as the locations that y'all picked. Also, if it's easier for you, feel free to save the map/photo, add your own markers, then email it to us ( and we can compile the responses that we get then post the results.
This scouting is for the Huntography - 2011 Deer Tour
Given the extreme drought that we are in, I wouldn't look much further than the pond, at least in the early season. What would make this difficult would be the wind. I would focus on being as scent free as I could and set up on that hill to the south of the pond. Not very imaginative but, that's what I would do.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya. I was thinking the same thing. Going to really focus on the creek and find a crossing somewhere or at least a low spot where the deer can access the water. Looking for late season stands as well where water won't be as big of a focus.
ReplyDeleteThe money says that you will find the bucks if you hunt the does. Normally that is a truth you can count on. If it's true this year, I would set up in that little stand of trees in the middle of the field that looks like a food plot. There is something going on there. I would also see if you can find evidence of them traveling between that pond and the field. Along their travel corridor would be another good place to put a stand.
ReplyDeleteThere is an inside corner and funnel all in one southeast of the planted field, near the creek, that I would definitely have to keep an eye on all season long. Just by looking at the maps, you should be able to catch them coming from the field in the morning and going to it in the evening during the early season while also being in a good travel corridor for the rut.
ReplyDeleteCharles, the stand of trees is only about 200 yards from the road, which means constant traffic, but it's also a solid 75+ yards to the east edge of the field. I have used the area to dove hunt previously.
ReplyDeleteInside Out Outdoors, that spot you mentioned, is exactly where I have had my eye on. Definitely going to scout that one out, just not sure how far into that funnel I'm going to setup.